
Team work

Our family moved to Scotland 6 months ago. It’s been an exciting time for the kids to play in the snow and see the seasons change. But It is also a major change for us all. I’m a full time mom of 3 with a 4 month old baby in a new town. I remember how it felt when we moved to Kampala. We had no friends and we were still finding our baring and trying to stay positive. I’ll be honest some days are hard and on those days I focus on Umbilini. I’m very grateful to work with a dedicated team who can manage everything. We are so lucky to live in a time with fast internet and mobile phones.

Our team is still able to host workshops & help people meet like minded individuals and to create together. Everyone is welcome, whether you are new in town or live in Uganda, a full time mom or student who wants to meet other creatives in the same boat. Together we have created a network of creatives learning new skills and mastering old hobbies. The tribe does more than they consciously realise. They help people who are home sick feel at home again, bring families and friends together to celebrate special occasions and give us new ways to cope with the ebs and flows of life.