
Lights Out Painting

A3 Canvas

Firefly Glow Jars

Upcycle used jar with glow in the dark paint

Yarn Lanterns

Use yarn to create beautiful lanterns

Date Night: Painting

A2 canvas

1 glass of wine

Masking Tape Art

Pom Pom Crib Mobile

Make your own unique pom pom mobile as a baby shower gift or for your babies cot.

Crochet Shaggy Rug

The key to creating your own crochet shag rug starts with the loop stitch. Once you learn the stitch, possibilities abound.

Upcyclyed Flower Pots

Upcycle plastic bottles into planters with  cute animal faces

Upcycling Plastic Bottles

Upcycle used plastic bottles into hanging planters

Upcycling Glass Bottles