Where: Rainbow Campus Lunch Area
When: Starting 28th September 2019. Saturdays 9.00 am to 12.00 noon
Open to all age groups, staff and parents of Rainbow International School Uganda.
Instructor: Fatima Garelnabi (Class of 2008)
What is provided:
Tempera paints, Spray paints, Upcycling accessories, All Art materials & one 20x20cm Canvas frame.
Umbilini Art Jam aims to inspire parents and children to explore their creativity together. Sign up for Art Jam and support the Umbilini E.C.H.O movement (Eco-friendly, handmade & organic). E.C.H.O projects are Upcycling projects designed to create awareness of the impact of waste on our planet & to use creativity to turn “trash into gold”. Join the Umbilini 7 day challenge to collect plastic & glass bottles, jars, bottle caps, paper and anything we can turn into master pieces.
What is Upcycling?
Everyone has heard of recycling, but what about upcycling? Recycling is the process of turning waste into a reusable material or product. It involves taking common household items, such as paper, glass, and plastic, breaking down the materials, and using them to form another product that is often of lesser quality. For example, the quality of plastic and paper slightly decreases every time it is recycled.
Upcycling, on the other hand, is a very specific form of recycling that turns waste into a material or product that is of a higher quality. You do not need to send items to a recycling center to be broken down if you want to upcycle. Instead, you just have to use your creativity to figure out new ways to repurpose and transform items.
Examples of Recycling vs. Upcycling
If you were to take a stack of old newspapers and fold them to create a biodegradable flower pot, this would be an example of upcycling. You are taking a simple material (newspapers) and creating something of higher quality (a flower pot) all on your own. If you have a teapot with a broken lid and you choose to use it as a place to store all of your pens and pencils instead of throwing it away, this is also an example of upcycling.
Benefits of Recycling and Upcycling
Both recycling and upcycling reduces the amount of waste that ends up in landfills around the world. Also, both activities reduce the need for the production of new materials, which means there will be less pollution and carbon emissions produced by manufacturers.
Upcycling has several other unique benefits. If you have children, upcycling can be a fun way to introduce them to a greener lifestyle. It may not seem fun to separate waste into different recycling bins, but children will love using their imaginations to come up with ways to reuse items around the house. Once they become interested in upcycling, it will be easier to get them involved with other E.C.H.O practices.
Some people have even made a living by upcycling items and selling them. If you are interested you can sell your masterpiece on our websites such and inspire everyone to Upcycle.
Umbilini Art Jam aims to inspire parents and children to express their creativity together.
Each individual walks away with a beautiful handmade master piece(s)
Advance Booking and Payment required
Book via: https://www.umbilini.org/product-category/art-jam/
Inquires: 0708462210 Fatima Garelnabi
Advance Booking and payment required
Mobile Money: Airtel 0708462210 Fatima Garelnabi
Umbilini Shop:https://www.umbilini.org/product-category/art-jam/